Daily Archives: October 1, 2014

Field Trip

My body may have outgrown high school field trips but my mind sure hasn’t.


The class field trip is a sort of free

For all; find your way through the

City streets, onto the right bus and

To the right lodge, cross up the right

Stone-stepped hill. Then, if you’ve

Made it, you’re allowed a week’s fun.

It seems only my friends whose names

Start with B have gotten here with me,

Which should make for an interesting few



So I’ve started working at a Papyrus (one of many reasons why I don’t have time for as many posts at the moment), and also at my college’s literary journal. I know exactly where this dream came from.


We sell Kate Spade

At our literary journal

As a fundraiser, and

My best guy friend

From home helps. He

Chooses a set of gold

Bow paperclips, defends

Its classiness to the rest

Of the guys, but while I

Back him up, I can’t help

Finding it hilarious.